CSR1000 Project Build

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

08 Nov 2015 02:14 - 08 Nov 2015 02:15
I got the mudguard beefed up a bit today with an extra couple of layers on the inside and around the mounting area

and I got the seat pan done,or at least started.Though I put quite a few layers on it so hopefully itll be enough.

Then I ran out of hardener,so thats it for today.
CB550 (1978)
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Last edit: 08 Nov 2015 02:15 by davido.

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

08 Nov 2015 03:36
I was planning on repairing the fender on my granddaughters Chappy. Now I may follow in your foot steps and make a new one. Good job. B)

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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

08 Nov 2015 13:07
I'm planning on building a solo seat for my GPz. This looks like a perfect way to make a cowl to blend in with my tail piece. I want to be able to swap between 1 up & 2 up quickly.

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

09 Nov 2015 03:34
how much gap did you leave for the upholstery to roll over the edges?

skiatook,oklahoma 1980 z1r,1978 kz 1000 z1r x 3,
1976 kz 900 x 3
i make what i can,and save the rest!




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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

09 Nov 2015 07:21
Well,I had a good thunk about that and was thinking of 3mm all the way around but then I thought that would be way too much as Im only going to have a single layer of vinyl. So I reckoned 1 to 2 mm would do. Then I thought thats not very much so when the seat pan is raised,I should have at least that.
I plan to run some foam strips under the pan to rest on the under section. The under section,which includes the tail piece will be bolted to the frame and the seat pan will be velcroed to that so,although I cast it directly to the undersection,the finished article will be raised,I think 2-3mm.Hopefully this gives me enough clearance to wrap the vinal around.
If that dosnt work,the pan is thick enough that I can sand a little off the inside. So,fingers crossed itll be ok.
Does any off that make sense?
I had a look this morning on my way to work and everything has set nicely. I popped the pan off the mold and Im happy with the result so far.
When I get some time this week,Ill trim it off,tidy it up a bit and post some more photos.
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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

09 Nov 2015 07:26
GPzMOD750 wrote: I'm planning on building a solo seat for my GPz. This looks like a perfect way to make a cowl to blend in with my tail piece. I want to be able to swap between 1 up & 2 up quickly.
Funny because I also plan to make a duo seat later.This solo effort is just to start with but I need to be able to take my better half on the back now and again. Im on the lookout for a set of passenger pegs but its not priority yet.
The way things are going with the fiberglass,itll be wee buns to knock up a second seat.
CB550 (1978)
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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

10 Nov 2015 09:18
So I gave the seat pan a quick trim,just roughly for now and brought it home to check how it fits. Seems ok. Heres the tail unit with the airbox inlet.

and heres the seat pan

I need to trim a bit where it meets the tank,should be able to get it in a tad neater and the edges will be trimed back all the way around. I might even lay some more fiberglass around the edge so that I can get it nicely rounded to prevent it cutting into the vinyl but thats for later.
For now Ill leave it overlength as I want to build a box around it for my next stupid idea.

I found this in the fiberglass shop when I went to buy some more hardener. Basically its liquid foam. If I build a box around the seat and tank tail and grease it all up . I can pour this in and have a foam seat base,molded to the shape of my seat pan and tank tail. I dont think theres enough to do the whole seat ( just under 5 liters,I think,in a box) but if it goes ok, I can buy another box or just glue foam blocks to
it. I will have to carve the top profile of the seat anyway as I couldnt figure out how to make a mold for the whole seat.
Pretty excited about it. Another new skill to add to the list me hopes.
CB550 (1978)
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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

10 Nov 2015 09:29
i followed ya on the gap measurements.
(.125) 3mm seams to be a good rule of thumb.sounds like you have a grip on it tho.
i've seen some chopper guys use that foam to build seats .looked like it worked out well for them.

keep us posted,

skiatook,oklahoma 1980 z1r,1978 kz 1000 z1r x 3,
1976 kz 900 x 3
i make what i can,and save the rest!




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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

10 Nov 2015 20:23
davido wrote: I found this in the fiberglass shop when I went to buy some more hardener. Basically its liquid foam. If I build a box around the seat and tank tail and grease it all up . I can pour this in and have a foam seat base,molded to the shape of my seat pan and tank tail. I don't think theres enough to do the whole seat ( just under 5 liters,I think,in a box) but if it goes ok, I can buy another box or just glue foam blocks to
it. I will have to carve the top profile of the seat anyway as I couldnt figure out how to make a mold for the whole seat.
Pretty excited about it. Another new skill to add to the list me hopes.

I have used that foam in various mold making ventures. It is very rigid and hard and would not be good for seat foam. its pretty cool stuff though.

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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

10 Nov 2015 21:12
Well there are a whole range of them with different density from soft and fluffy up to builders foam hard. They had examples of each one in the shop and this one was somewhere in the middle. Hard enough to not totally colapse uder weight but soft enough to cushion my delicate culo.
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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

14 Nov 2015 05:47 - 14 Nov 2015 07:32
OK.Now Im getting sick to death of fiberglass!! Its neverending. I got everything sanded and preped (tail section/seat pan/mudguard).
The tail section ,I had to add a couple of tabs to bolt it down at the front. The seat pan,I laid on some extra fiberglass around the edges to thicken them up a bit. The mudguard,I put on the second gelcoat.This time with a black pigment mixed in.I was hoping that it would level itself
so that I could maybe get away with not painting it but it dosent. The brush strokes are still very visable

So Ill have to sand the bugger back again.Get the brush strokes out then paint it.
Seat pan still needs sanded and trimmed,Maybe Ill put a gelcoat on that as well,dont know yet and the tail piece needs a bit of a trim then some final filling and sanding. Again.
When will it end?!!!!!
CB550 (1978)
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Last edit: 14 Nov 2015 07:32 by davido.

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Re: Re:CSR1000 Project Build

14 Nov 2015 07:50
It won't unless you want it to. :lol:

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