I wave (and thanks for being there for me)

  • ThousandKaw
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Re: I wave (and thanks for being there for me)

01 Jul 2007 19:04
patmann wrote:
I always wave. If one of sons is on back they do too.
Back in the mid to late sixties it used to be a fist and arm in the air, like a "black power" thing. But it was a RIGHT ON BRO sign to other riders.
Then in the later seventies it changed over to the two fingers down. Now they get either two or the whole hand down. As Mark said, some get just one finger at the end or a shrug. But most that don't wave are squids on new rice rockets, or weekend Hardly riders. And those I figure are either too afraid to take their hands off the bars or have no concept of the brotherhood of motorcycle riders, and not just one brand.
Little kids... that's a given;) Sometimes I ask if they want to race, their smiles are priceless:) :) And sometimes their response is VERY surprising too :blink: :whistle:
Pat<br><br>Post edited by: patmann, at: 2007/06/22 09:28
I was hoping I wasn't the only one who remembered this or saw it. I rode in two places as a kid(So. Cal and Michigan) on the back of Pop's bike or somebody else's in the 60's. At first it was a hand wave like waving to somebody driving by on the road while you're standing in your yard. Almost everybody did it.

Then in the 70's, once I started riding my own bikes it was the fist in the air. "Like cool man", or "Right on Bro".
Then I guess I didn't pay attention much, or more likely it seemed through the eighties there just weren't as many bikes on the road.

Last 15 years or more?? it's been a hand or fingers down towards the pavement.

Ok, if that's the current trend, that's what I do.

No real rhyme or reason as to who waves or not.
Almost all "touring type" bikes wave, regardless of brands.
Most sport bikes wave.
Have not figured any reason why some H.D.'s wave and some don't. I wear a full face helmet is about the only thing I can think of, perhaps they just assume I'm on something "other"?

I almost never fail to stop for a biker on the road. Typically it's "out of gas".
I once helped a dude(brand new Sportster rider) push his bike up a ridiculusly long hill so we could get his bike off the side of a busy road into a driveway.
Afer awhile I was thinking, "DAAAAM this things hard to push". So after checking it out as we're both huffing away I notice the problem, I mention "say pard, this thing'll roll a little easier if you take your finger off the front brake................"

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lot more bikes on the road in the last 5-8 years?
Maybe all these "biker TV shows" are good for something?

Post edited by: ThousandKaw, at: 2007/07/01 22:08

Post edited by: ThousandKaw, at: 2007/07/01 22:10
\"Shady Slim\"
1951 Indian 80 CI
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1974 F11 X 2
1975 KX250 More fun than a guy should have
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Re: I wave (and thanks for being there for me)

01 Jul 2007 21:12
Went for a ride today and saw a lot of bikes. Mostly Harleys. I passed one line of about 12, every single one gave me the 2 down back. Every bike I passed today waved back, had to have been about another dozen on top of the first pack of Harleys. (this was a short ride, about 9 miles and back) Mostly Harleys, only 2 sport bikes. Made me feel a little better since lately I havent been getting many waves from the weekend warrier harleys riders ;)
I think now that my tank is orange a lot of people will assume its a harley until they hear the exhaust. Cuz you know, who would paint a 1978 Kawa orange?!?! I can't hear a harley over my baffle-less kerker if they are next to me so there should be no mistake haha

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Re: I wave (and thanks for being there for me)

02 Jul 2007 08:44
riverroad wrote:
:laugh: :laugh: A couple weeks ago I was cruising up the road behind a crotch rocket with a chick on the back. Wonderful view! It got even better because at first she was holding her miniskirt down with one hand and hanging on to her boy friend with the other. He goosed it a little which made her let go of the back of her skirt to grab ahold of her boyfriend with both hands. This revealed quite a show. She was wearing a thong, but it wasn't much of one. Just kinda split the difference if you know what I mean.:whistle: Wish I had a helmet cam going.

How come stuff like that never happens to me?

I wave to everybody on two wheels, bicycles included. I used to wave to an an old guy I'd see out in a motorized wheel chair on the street down in Lawton too. Most people wave back, although I do notice the Harley riders tend to do so grudgingly.

There's a little old lady in town here who rides a scooter. I saw her once while I was stopped at in intersection and she looked at me like she was wondering if she should wave at me or what, then she did give me this dainty little wave with her fingers and I waved back hard. I had a big smile behind the full faced helmet, she wins way more cool points with me than the guy on the biggest, most expensive Harley out there.

Post edited by: Rich, at: 2007/07/02 11:45
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