Ownership costs

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Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 17:05
I am still restoring my 81 KZ1000, and obviously that is costing a good amount of money. However, I recently come upon the opportunity for a 79 kz650 for just over $1000. Near mint condition, NOT orginal condition, it has been repainted. Its only got 8,000 on it. It is definately what I am looking for, a medium sized bike that I can just go out and ride.

My question is for anyone who has a bike in good condition already. How much money on average would you say you are spending on your bike? Including maintenance and unforseen repairs.

Obviously I am trying to judge whether it is worth it to buy this bike financially.

Post edited by: minutiesabotage, at: 2007/07/07 20:10

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Re: Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 18:58
I spend more on things I don't need than on things I actually need to keep the bike running. I think I've spent maybe $50 this year - 2 oil changes, a filter, oil filters. The rest was all things I didn't really NEED but that I WANTED... a modular helmet, a 3/4 helmet, a windshield, replacing parts that thieves broke, new boots, mesh jacket... etc etc etc.
It's also a shaft drive, so I don't have to do any chain upkeep.

1982 KZ1100 Spectre
Old. Shiny.

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Re: Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 19:58
My costs also stem from me not leaving well enough alone. I've changed my exhaust configuration three times now this season, which has of course made me get different jets three different times.
I brought mine back from the dead, so I had a bit of money wrapped up in it from that. But, since replacing and rebuilding everything I've had to do cost is minimal. If the gaskets are all solid on the one you're looking at the only expenses I'd expect you to come across are oil changes, plugs, maybe points and condenser, and tires, chain and sprockets if they need to be replaced.
Tires chains and sprockets are one replacement for several seasons of riding, plugs should be only about one set per season if the carbs are jetted correctly, and oil changes will of course depend on how many miles you pile up.
A lot of my expense came from the one off 77's charging system too, so with a 79 you shouldn't have to worry much about the charging system.
I say look the bike over good, take it for a test ride, if you can take a multimeter with you and check the charging systems output and look for oil leaks from bad gaskets. If there are no issues with those areas I'd jump on it in a minute.
09 Kawasaki ER6n
77 kz650b1 cafe rebirth project
"Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube, that's why God made fast motorcycles..."
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Omaha NE

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Re: Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 20:03
As slickware says I put about $1500 into mine recently but part of it was stuff I ignored for 27 years and a large chunk was stuff I just wanted (Dyna S, coils, wires,Kerker, etc) The bike was running real good, it just now runs bitchen! In 27 years I've replaced front and rear brakes once, one set of sprockets, 3rd chain, original clutch. Counting tires, oil changes, I 've got maybe 500,600 bucks in maintenance in 27 years! I've got almost 51,000 miles on it and it runs great! These bikes are almost bullet proof if adult ridden and maintained.I spend maybe $50 a year for oil, filters, etc. Go for it.

Post edited by: Bluemeanie, at: 2007/07/07 23:06
1980 KZ650F1, Bought new out the door for $2,162.98!

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Re: Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 20:11
i'v just sunk about 3500$ into my bike, all it needed was a re-ring but i went a little overboard
82 kawaski csr1000 Evolved into a streetfighter.

I love Speed! Hot Nasty Badass Speed!!!

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Re: Ownership costs

07 Jul 2007 22:18
I've got around $400.00 tied up in my 83 750. Insurance runs me $99.00 a year through Geico. I'm doing my bike on the absolutecheap a an experiment. It is a collection cast off parts from other people and other makes. Runs like a top though and doesn't look bad. I wish I could resize the latest pics I have of it so they would fit on here.

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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 06:14
themachine wrote:
i'v just sunk about 3500$ into my bike, all it needed was a re-ring but i went a little overboard

Don't you mean "overbored"!!?? ;)
1980 KZ650F1, Bought new out the door for $2,162.98!

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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 06:16
Wildh2oskier wrote:
I've got around $400.00 tied up in my 83 750. Insurance runs me $99.00 a year through Geico. I'm doing my bike on the absolutecheap a an experiment. It is a collection cast off parts from other people and other makes. Runs like a top though and doesn't look bad. I wish I could resize the latest pics I have of it so they would fit on here.

Most of the guys here including me use Infran view, it's free and works great!
1980 KZ650F1, Bought new out the door for $2,162.98!

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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 09:45
Please resize your photos to 550x480 max before trying to post.
Please try this program from Microsoft, its Free and I have found it by far the easiest to use while shrinking a photo.
click the link below for a direct download or search microsoft power toys for image resizer.


After downloading and installing it, restart your box and then when you want to resize a photo just right click the original and select resize.
choose custom/advanced and type in 550X400 and it will be resized automaitically into the same folder your original was located in.

This is BY FAR the easiest resizer out there.
ps: I dont have much cash to work on my bikes and usually with McGuiver instincts i have I can just repair what i have nearly free on these old machines.

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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 12:03
I started with a 79 KZ650 SR. 7200 original miles. The guy I bought it from had bought it from his buddy who was the original owner. Original owner had bought an HD and the KZ sat mostly. The second owner had new tires,new fork seals, new battery, and carbs cleaned and rebuilt. He have me the receipt for the $750 bill he spent. I might have paid too much ($1400) but would have ended up doing those things anyway so I figured what the hell. It is all original except for the pods and the new Dyna ignition coils ($120), Dyna electronic ignition ($120) new plugs and plug wires. Coil re-power mod too.Big improvement. Of course oil and filters etc polish all that stuff. Oh, new halogen headlight up grade too. Maybe $30?
Check out our site. kcvjmc.org
1977 Yamaha XS650
2000 Kaw W650
2 KZ440 LTDs , a 79 KZ400H and an 83 Belt Drive

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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 19:17
my 78 kz650b2 needed nothing and ran like a raped ape when I got it...but....WANTS always overshadows the NEEDS....dyna coils and ignition, carb rebuild kits...the only thing I have needed was a new clutch cable...keep the oil changed and ride the PISS out of it...damn near bulletproof


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Re: Ownership costs

08 Jul 2007 19:26
I bought my 77 650 for $550 and then spent a year and over $1000 in extras and ebay replacements getting it where I wanted it (but I did a lot of mods and experiments with different setups/parts). Then the engine went out and I sold it. It looked great though.

My 78 650 I bought for $700 and it runs great (it had a lot of motor work done a while back though) and I am just doing little bit (maybe $200) of mods and refreshing to get it on the road as my daily driver.

As for just getting it and being able to ride it, I could have just spent around $800-900 for either of the 650's to get them on the road (including $$ what I bought them for), but I can't just stop there....
77 KZ650 C1 (sold)
78 KZ650 B2 (sold)
78 KZ400 B1 (sold)
78 kz400 C1 (resto-mod)
78 kz400 C1 (hardtail low chop)
couple of possible project kz's in parts

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