Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 04:13
cgray34 wrote:
What strip do you take your stripfighter/streetfighter to in Akron, OH?

I took my 1000 to National Trails and Quaker City (now closed :() before the transformation. I've raced my Duc a couple times at Dragway 42 in the last couple years.

When the 900 is done I'm gonna try and make a couple ProStar races.

Unfortunately I have yet to get my 1000 to the strip in 4 years. Go figure. All that work to get better traction and never get to use it.

Later, Doug
1978 z1000 Streetfighter
1976 z900 Stripfighter
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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 14:05
seems like some people just like to bash on what they dont have. or for that matter understand. i guess us guys that like the streetfighter style should bash on guys with meticulusly restored bikes because thats not our style (by the way i dont own a "lowrider" or a truck with 4ft wide tires just a stock ford explorer). while im at i like your wheels 9#s lighter you say. just my .02:whistle:

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 15:35
RonKZ650 wrote:
Oh believe me I "HAVE" looked into it, that's why I say what I do. Guys with the 4 ft wide tires think they are looking good too as well as the mexican lowriders. They do look good if you like that kind of thing. Well I'll put it bluntly and say I do "NOT" like it at all. It's a travesty and a blatent crime that should be outlawed. Your wheels look good though I have to say. NOT.

Since when are gigantic wide rears a popular streetfighter trend? Oh, that's right... THEY'RE NOT.

Can it if you don't know what you're talking about. :whistle:

Then again Ron... why would we expect you to understand upgrades?

As for the topic at hand, some of these definitions are compeltely missing the point.

"It's a bbike that's modified for performance".

Well, that's a LOT of things. That's streetfighters, cafe racers, flat trackers, supermotos..... the list goes on and on.

There's a very specific reason that there's subgenres... to make it easy to tell the difference.

Is a streetfighter a race bike? No. Because a racebike is a race bike.

Is a Cafe racer a streetfighter? No, because it's a cafe racer.

Can you call you cafe racer a streetfighter? SURELY! Doesn't make it right though.

It's like when you pic up "hot rodder" magazine and see a muscle car on it. It's not really a hot rod magazine, it's a muscle car mag. But hey... the public are uninformed and it sells.


Post edited by: caffcruiser, at: 2007/08/22 18:39

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 15:39
I think If it has 2 wheels its cool! I started on a scooter and stepped up to my KZ650. Ride what you gotB)

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 16:05
Well, here's another newb, with a monkey wrench to throw into this free for all:

What exactly, then, is a "rat bike"?


Ok, I found this:

I guess that explains it.

Now, how about a RatFighter?

Post edited by: seanof30306, at: 2007/08/22 19:20
"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 18:48
seanof30306 wrote:
Well, here's another newb, with a monkey wrench to throw into this free for all:

What exactly, then, is a "rat bike"?


Ok, I found this:

I guess that explains it.

Now, how about a RatFighter?<br><br>Post edited by: seanof30306, at: 2007/08/22 19:20

That's a ridiculous over sub-genreization is what that is.

"Ratfighter". :rollseyes:

Why the hell don't you just build a "ratcafecirclefighter."

It's one thing to go into subgenres. It's another to get excessive with it.

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

22 Aug 2007 21:56
caffcruiser i like your style not rude not really cocky just truthful:evil:

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Re: Newb What exactly is a streetfighter????????

23 Aug 2007 00:44
streetfighters are bitsas, they started in the uk in the late 70's and were a blend of the Brit cafe racer and dole bikes.
The guys on the dole had no funds to buy a bike so they would get a damaged one and fix it with whatever parts were available, it didnt take long for them to realise that with a bit of ingenuity and effort they could fit better/ newer suspension and brakes etc to their rides and it took off from there.
I think streetfighters are great :woohoo: and you can make it whatever you want. I am regularly out with the aussie streetfighters guys from . If you arent keen on it no big deal, diferent strokes for differnt folks.
Z650B2 - Injected

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