Bluemeanie's Story

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

30 Aug 2007 17:50
Oh boy. Scary story. Glad you came through it and survived. Every year there are may who dont.

Get well soon. There's still riding left this season.
1980 kz750E1, Delkevic exhaust

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

30 Aug 2007 18:00
Hey, just glad you're around to tell the story!
Hang in there! :)

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 02:35
I can think of at least 2 occasions where I almost rear ended someone distracted by a hot girl(s) on the side of the road. I really really try not to get distracted! Those were the 2 close calls I can think of where I actually locked it down and slid sideways. I'm sure there were other times that werent that close hah. It's crazy how fast things happen the second you take your eyes off the road. Glad you made it through, heres to a speedy recovery!

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 05:40
Glad to see that you are doing well afterwards. You just got your do-over I guess. Any word on the bikes prognosis?

My only wreck involving hitting a car was one of those girl and sweet car on the side of the road circumstances! Fire red with white leather interior perfect condition convertible 65 Mustang with a tall, long haired beautiful blond chick behind the wheel! Looked around at her for just a second and then back to see dead stopped traffic. Don't remember the moments just before and during the impact (concussion) but I apparently went under another sweet car, a clean 68 slightly raised Camaro. All I did to it was leave a tire print on the under pan of the rear bumper. Very young back then but who knows now, I might still look too long even today! Paying attention to the ride is paramount but we're only human so just make your best effort and don't let this one accident stop you from riding.

Post edited by: KZ_Rage, at: 2007/08/31 08:42
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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 06:12
Night_Train01 posted this in a doubled thread:

Be thankfull you are alive to tell the story....... every rider can learn from other less fortunate experiences.
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 06:14
Floridamba posted this in a doubled thread:

Glad to hear you are going to make it alright. Were you wearing any kind of armored clothing, pants, etc.? How did your helmet hold up?

I ride a Kawasaki Concours and also a KZ1000 LTD. I was riding home on I-295 northbound just off of I-95 in Jacksonville. 295 is formed by merging in 9A (3 lanes) and 95-southbound (2 lanes) and a merge lane (1 lane). These six lanes go down to three lanes in about 3/4 of a mile.

I usually take the first exit off 295 and stay in the right lane to positon myself for the exit. I was behind traffic and just looked aside for a second and darn - brake lights and I was all over my brakes (on the Connie). I had just taken an experienced rider course (ERC) and they recommend using 4 fingers on the clutch and 4 fingers on the brake. I had 4 on the brake and hammered the front brake and also hit the back brake. My front brake worked great and the rear started to drift as the wheel was locking up. I got off the rear and stopped in time... as we moved forward there was a huge cloud of blue smoke.

Be careful...!

floridamba posted this as well:

Interesting point about turning away for 1 second... I just rode 450 miles in WV and since we don't have mountains in FL, I was giving it my complete attention.

I realized that I learned to ride by looking directly in front of me low on the ground and then adjusting with the handlebars. This is wrong, I need to look out in front of me, look where I want to go not where I am. In some traffic situations like merging on a secondary road I check traffic for anyone merging into me then have to focus on the curve... I can't be well into the curve and check because it disrupts my concentration and I couldnt do anything anyway at that point.

Post edited by: KZCSI, at: 2007/08/31 09:23
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 06:16
bluemeanie posted this in a doubled thread:

"Looked aside for just a second", yea thats all it takes to get in trouble! Unfortunatly, when my eyes came back there was not enough room to do anything. You were lucky, I'm sure it really shook you up. Don't take safety for granted, we assume it will never appen to us. Then bamb!! Ride sfe and pay attention, I know I will!
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
1985 ZN1300

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 06:21
Z1Boise posted this in a doubled thread:

3-4 car lengths was, in this case, too close. I use the 2 second rule. Pick a point as it is passed by the rear bumper of the person in front of you, count one thousand one, one thousand two, and if you pass that point, you're too close. Even doing that, if I glance away for a second I can find myself in trouble when I look back. I've had idiots change into my lanes in front of me then hit the brakes. Problem is, if I leave too much space in front of me, somebody always pulls into it, so it's often not possible to regulate your following distance.

Glad to hear you came through it well, and am looking forward to seeing pix of the bike restored.

I was driving home two nights ago about 9:30 pm, and saw a few cars stopped in the road. As I passed, it was some poor kid on a crotch rocket, laying in a heap in the road with plastic strewn about. I could see flashing blue lights coming fast a couple miles up the road.

Found out the next day that the kid was killed. A truck was pulling a hay rake, and the kid didn't see it and ran into the back of it. He wasn't wearing protective gear. Don't know about a helmet.
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
1985 ZN1300

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 06:25
HogEater posted this in a doubled thread:

Blue,glad to see you made out OK.
for all you riders ,ride like you have a target on your back cause every cager is out to get us, if they want your space let them have it cause if you don't ,you'll loose. I've learned(40 yrs of riding)always try to leave yourself an escape route and a blink for a second and you're in trouble. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SURRONDINGS..
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
1985 ZN1300

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

31 Aug 2007 10:29
Thanks for posting. I know what you mean about a few seconds, I've been there too many times on our overcrowded freeways.
You can stare at the tail lights on the car in front of you for an hour, but look away for one second, and the whole freeway will have stopped when you look up.
Get well soon!
'76 KZ900 LTD (Blaze)
'96 Voyager XII (Dark Star)
'79 KZ650 Cafe Project (Dirty Kurt)
Greensboro, NC

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Re: Bluemeanie's Story

01 Sep 2007 12:29
Well, John, at least you know what went wrong. Good lesson for everyone here. That's exactly how my recent accident happened....strictly due to my own inattention. Fortunately, for me, I escaped with a dislocated shoulder, cracked rib and only ~$500 damage to the bike. If I'd crashed 10 feet sooner I'd have ended up hitting a steel culvert, end on.
As Joe Walsh sang....Life's been good to me, so far.:whistle:
Keep healing and don't rush the whole process.
KZ650C2 Stock/mint. Goes by "Ace".
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