my new paint...
- wireman
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Re: my new paint...
08 Jul 2006 23:33
EddieBoy wrote:
atlast,a voice of reason!:woohoo: thanks!my flat black still looks as dull as when i painted it! slopped gas on it many times...still looks flat

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- ambergrismooon
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 05:00
I will now revolutionise painting motorcicles! Sand, bondo, putty, rub and then prime your gobike. A little wet sanding (a little song a little dance a little seltzer down your pants). Now you have 2 options. Leave it shiney primed or give it a white shiney basecoat. Let it harden. Now go out to your favorite store and move slowly and make sure no one is watching. Go to the CONDOM department. If you have never been there before ask the cute salesgirl where they are. Look at your varities! Colors, styles, sizes! Lions, tigers, and bears! Oh My! Small fits side covers, medium fits tailpieces and large fits gas tanks. Please leave the super large for me. Now just go home and pull the newskins over the tank and trim. You can have about anycolor in the universe and you can have ribbed, spiked, autographed, glow in the dark. Impervious to rain, sun, sudden vicious beaver attacks and neculear fallout. Gentlemen prepare your engines and remember you heard it here first!:blink:
Post edited by: ambergrismooon, at: 2006/07/09 08:01
Post edited by: ambergrismooon, at: 2006/07/09 08:01
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- wireman
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- Pterosaur
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 07:54
ambergrismooon wrote:
And they make great party hats too!
I will now revolutionise painting motorcicles!
And they make great party hats too!
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- wireman
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- ambergrismooon
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- Pterosaur
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- ambergrismooon
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 09:56
You vill go in dere! und you vill be hoppy! Rouse! lettle soldier! und don't forgit you'se raincoat!!!
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- Pterosaur
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 10:06Attachments:
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- EddieBoy
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 10:59
i tried that once but the lil ticklie things made the tank look like a puffer fish.
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- ambergrismooon
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 18:32
You say that like it is a bad thing..:ohmy: :side: :silly: :whistle:
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- ten6
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Re: my new paint...
09 Jul 2006 18:44
I STILL don't know what Ron is talking about? What is so magical about 6 months from now? My Vulcan was repainted right after it was purchased and looked like new right up until it was sold last fall. 9+ years. It had been rained on, spilled on, bird-shat-on, left in the sun, acid rained on etc...I suppose he has a good argument for why early 80's GM and Chrysler vehicles with FACTORY original paint look like shit today...paint peeling, faded, etc. Must have been some bang up, quality paint jobs there. There is no way a repaint would have looked better or lasted longer:laugh: How many of you have original paint on your houses??:woohoo: Come on....why not???:whistle: That's it for me on this subject (repaints)...I'm tired of hearing about it. Ron, you need to let it go man....
Michigan City, Indiana
Firefighter MCFD IAFF Local #475
(3) KZ650s (1) 1996 Vulcan 1500A (1) 1978 KZ1000 (1) 1986 Yamaha Radian 600
2000 Dodge Ram 4x4
1960 Chevy Bel-Air
Firefighter MCFD IAFF Local #475
(3) KZ650s (1) 1996 Vulcan 1500A (1) 1978 KZ1000 (1) 1986 Yamaha Radian 600
2000 Dodge Ram 4x4
1960 Chevy Bel-Air
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