Tank liner choice

  • Nessism
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Re: Tank liner choice

20 Feb 2021 14:43
ckahleer wrote: +1 on Caswell. I used it several years ago on my XT225 that had pinhole leaks in several spots. Its more than a coating, its a 2 part epoxy. I believe with a second application, I could peel the metal away and have an epoxy tank.

I redid a fairly rare tank one time and while derusting it sprung a leak. No problem I thought so I broke out the torch and sealed it by silver brazing. Back to derusting and hum...another leak, brazing, another leak. After about the 5th time I gave up and put duct tape on the outside of the tank and kept derusting. Once the tank was clean I put fresh tape on the outside and dumped in the full can of Caswell's. Flowed it around, building layer after layer until the sauce kicked off. That tank doubled in weight after all the sealer was added. A brick shithouse.

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Re: Tank liner choice

20 Feb 2021 16:42
Hey Ness, I had access to 55 Gal. of powdered phosphoric acid when I was still working. The large Printing plant! Boiler room had 2 5,000 gallon boilers going at the same time. I worked the receiving docks and delivered all the products thru out the plant! I had whatever they had! :evil: They ran that through the steam and air pipes continuesly. Also 95% pure sulphuric acid for the chroming tanks for the print cylinders. That's what I used to restore my aluminum, mixed up batches of acid and tested old parts till it got nice and correct to dip and clean. I used to burn and overkill old aluminum parts for fun!

But I love Caswell sealer! That's were I buy all my buffing supplies too. They are in Lyons, NY. Close for shipping. Plus I have an account for tax free wholesale pricing.
Livin in "CheektaVegas, NY
Went thru 25 of these in 40 yrs.
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Re: Tank liner choice

22 Feb 2021 07:39
+1 for Caswell here too

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Re: Tank liner choice

24 Feb 2021 13:00
I picked up a parts SR bike and it had a tank that I had to braze some pinholes on and had an unacceptable amount of rust inside. In the spare parts that came with the parts bike was a caswell lining kit. I had given evapo-rust a shot and it had decent results, after rinsing and some gasoline I used to caswell prep and tank clearer and followed the instructions, It had weeks to cure before gas was put in it. Within 6 months I noticed the line was lifting off the interior walls and pulled the tank untill I could clean it all out.
- Ive considered the evaporust may have left behind something the prep couldnt handle? I have also thought maybe I just used an old kit? Not sure.
1978 kz1105 - the Rooster, 1981 KZ750 Chopper, 1975 KZ400 , 1984 GPZ750

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Re: Tank liner choice

24 Feb 2021 13:45 - 24 Feb 2021 13:45
TheWhiteDevil wrote: I had given evapo-rust a shot and it had decent results, after rinsing and some gasoline I used to caswell prep and tank clearer and followed the instructions, It had weeks to cure before gas was put in it. Within 6 months I noticed the line was lifting off the interior walls and pulled the tank untill I could clean it all out.
- Ive considered the evaporust may have left behind something the prep couldnt handle? I have also thought maybe I just used an old kit? Not sure.

Most likely the gasoline caused the problem.

For best results use phosphoric acid to prep before paint. It's what the pro's use before painting car bodies and such.
Last edit: 24 Feb 2021 13:45 by Nessism.

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