CSR1000 Project Build

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 12:31
Then I didnt like the pattern so I did it agin with a different mesh

I put it back in the 18mm and hammered the edges a bit to get a tighter fit

Looks much more better

and that was my day.
CB550 (1978)
CB500/4 (1972)*
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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 12:32
Can you put a pin at 9:00 for the spring?

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 13:08
Nice job Davido, really slick work. Just my 2 cents but like the "circular" mesh better than the "grated" mesh panels, either way love the creativity and keep it up!

All the gear all the time!

1985 Kawasaki GPz 750 (ZX750-A3) 15,000 original miles www.kzrider.com/forum/11-projects/601230...z750-refresh-project

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 15:50
Grats on finding the new, motorcycle-friendly space!
Apparently, your creativity extends beyond finding space in the pinch because those side covers are looking awesome. I too prefer the circular mesh over the other.

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 15:51
Wow you've been through the ringer on this.

Those side panels look awesome, I'm planning on something similiar, I hope my results are somewhere close to yours as I will be very happy with that. The circles are my favourite.

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

26 Mar 2016 18:14
Another great addition to the bike. Nice job David.
1977 KZ1000a1
Mesa, AZ
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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

27 Mar 2016 12:51
Thanks for the kind words boys. Im also glad that I went with the round hole mesh.It does look better.Today I tacked them all together in the back,so a bit of a clean and Ill throw them in the bucket for powdercaoting.
I had a look again at that pesky gear change clearance problem. I decided to grind away a wafer thin bit of the sidestand mount and bend the spring back a bit.Its just enough for the gearchange to clear. I think.Im going to go with it like this and see how it works.

I also needed a bit more swing in the bars.The turning radius wasnt enough on full lock,so I set up a few bits of wood to get it all equal on both sides

and ground back the lock stop (a little bit at a time)

and got as close as I could without smacking into the tank

Its still not as much as I would like.There are a few more mm to be had but Ill leave it like this and see how it behaves on the road. Its a lot better than it was before.
The other thing I tackled today was the front mudguard. I posted ,a while ago,about how I made it from fiberglass using the rear end of the ZXR guard as a mold. Well the final gelcoat didnt work out like I hoped so today I sanded it all back again to get rid of all the brush marks and got it mounted. I didnt want to bolt it straight on the forks as it would be in danger of cracking around the mounting holes when I tighten up the bolts.So I made up some (?? I dont know what you call them!) rubber mounted spacer things.
I cut some alu pipe,long enough to go through the fiberglass and a rubber washer,I made the rubber washers from some CB750 valve stem seals I had,mounted them twixt the fork leg and the mudguard and tightened them up,with another steel washer under the bolt.
Hopefully you get what I mean from the photos

So when I tighten the bolts up they bottom out on the alu pipe without putting direct pressure on the fiberglass,though still holding it all solidly together.
I also got the headlight and clocks mounted.All in all,a good productive day.
CB550 (1978)
CB500/4 (1972)*
KZ1000CSR (1981)
XT 600E (1999)
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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

27 Mar 2016 13:19
So now it's time to have a few cold ones & sit back & admire your work for the day, & think of what to do next, :)
1980 LTD 1000..,1976 LTD 900, have the 1000&900 now. the rest are previous= 1978 KZ 650 B.., 1980 Yamaha XT 500..,1978 Yamaha DT 400.., 1977 Yamaha yz 80..,Honda trail ct 70.., Honda QA 50...5-1/2 hp brigs & straton CAT chopper mini bike...3-1/2 hp mini bike (WHEN GAS WAS ABOUT 45 CENTS A GALLON)!!!!

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

02 Apr 2016 10:40 - 02 Apr 2016 10:43
I did do that,Pete. I do that a lot.The clock is ticking though and Iveonly got the use of this space for a limited time.So no time for love Mr Jones!
Today, it was 'Alu day'. The rearsets have been a major problem for me on this build.Mainly clearance problems with the brake pedal and the pipe on one side and on the other side, twixt the gearchange lever and the side stand Its been a real pain in the arse,to be honest. I think I got it sorted now though. I hope.
MDF template made up at (hopefully) the right positioning. 10mm Alu plate cut out slightly oversize

I got given a small band saw years ago,from a friend.It sat untouched in the workshop,til last month. A bit of a clean,some lubrication and a new blade and its back in action.A lot better than a jigsaw for this sort of work.

Learning from my mistakes,make sure the template is as perfect as you can get.Sand the edges totally smooth.Any imperfections will be transferred to the alu. I cut the alu back as close as possible without biting into to the template,Its easier to cut it away and beetr for the router as well. With a copy bit in the router table and lots of WD40

and I ended up with these fellas

CB550 (1978)
CB500/4 (1972)*
KZ1000CSR (1981)
XT 600E (1999)
TDM900 (2003)
Last edit: 02 Apr 2016 10:43 by davido.

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

02 Apr 2016 11:00
Then I had a crack at the mounting plate for the hydraulic clutch conversion.I made the plate last year ( I think) but Im not happy with the way it turned out,so I want to cut a new one but today I wanted to work out the spacing for it

I was a bit worried about how to work out the spacers as the original cover is very profiled and has various length bolts holding it on.I wasnt sure how to work out all the lengths that I would need but Allah was smiling on me and it turned out that the holes on the engine case are all on the same plane.The differnt length bolts are down to the profile in the cover.Meaning all the bolts and spacers I need are exactly the same length! Good news.

I just cut some alu tube for now.I wont be able to get the definate spacing until the system is together and the fluid in,then,through trial and error,I can get the correct spacing.IThen Ill cut some SS tube for the final result.
So far so good.

Next alu job is to redo the clock mounts and incorporate a spot for the ignition key and maybe,neutral/high beam/oil warning lights.Have to have a think on all that first.
Thats it for now
CB550 (1978)
CB500/4 (1972)*
KZ1000CSR (1981)
XT 600E (1999)
TDM900 (2003)


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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

02 Apr 2016 11:11
Really nice work David, keep it up and keep knocking things off the list, you will get there sooner than you know! Love the progress and pics, keep it up ;)

All the gear all the time!

1985 Kawasaki GPz 750 (ZX750-A3) 15,000 original miles www.kzrider.com/forum/11-projects/601230...z750-refresh-project

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Re: CSR1000 Project Build

04 Apr 2016 10:58
Thanks Brett,yes its a long list and I still havent quite reached that point when I can bolt things up,knowing that I dont need to unbolt them again but that day will come. (Hopefully when the wheels and swingarm are back from the powdercoaters).
Anyway,today,I finished work earlier than I expected,so I went to the workshop and got a new plate cut for the clutch. I used the same method as with the footrest hangers and it worked out just peachy. (I didnt have the camera with me, so, photos to follow).
Now I have to figure out how to put some profiling in it without bollocksing it up,like I did witht the last one. I dont have access to,or knowledge of how to work a milling machine,so I have to use what I have. A router table,various hand held routers and a couple of bench presses.
Im not working tomorrow so Ill have a crack at it then.Tonight is for thinking!

P.s. Thanks Jon (Kawaholic) for the spacing advice,I think Ive sussed it out now.
CB550 (1978)
CB500/4 (1972)*
KZ1000CSR (1981)
XT 600E (1999)
TDM900 (2003)

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