NJ Title Insanity!!!

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NJ Title Insanity!!!

06 Jul 2007 21:50
I knew it was going to be a semi-hassle to get a NJ Title for my z1 as the previous owner didn't have one but I had no idea what I was in for. Mind you he had this bike since I knew him 25 years in pieces in his garage. The only parts even still original to me buying it are the frame, trees, engine cases and random bolts. All the rest is ebay, z1 enterprises, etc. Basicaly .. it ain't stolen!!

Went down to my local NJ DMV with 20 color photos of bike from frame serials to engine serials to full body shots. Did a pencil and paper stencil of the serial numbers as well. Took my check book, $300 in cash and cruised down 45 minutes to their main offices in Trenton thinking to spend a few hours tops.

Well evidently in NJ if you don't have a title, you have two ways of getting one. Going with the "I built this custom from scratch route". Couldn't do that as you still need:
  • title or Certificate of Origin for the frame AND a Certificate of Origin for the Engine.
  • Proof of sales tax paid on frame or chassis
  • original invoice or reciepts for all parts and manufacturers cert of origin for body kit
  • and five other random bullet points of money and paper work

The other route is called Procedures for Vehicle Obtained withour Proper Evidence of Ownership ...
  • Certified title search of NJ and Certified search from DMV's of NY, Peen, Delaware, Conn, Maryland
  • A newspaper ad ran in local county paper saying your "trying to get title for KAwi z1 serial # 1223344, if you are n opposition of this ...." run for two weeks
  • Certified Mail of similar notice to local police dept
  • Certified mail to the owner (thats me) that I intend to obtain title .. i shit you not.
    :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:
  • Original evidence of purchase (title(WTF??),bill of sale,invoice) describing vehicle, and serials. I have to get this from my buddies 60 year old dad who lives in his 90 year old moms basement .. and invoice! Crazy.:S
  • 3 Noterized statements from "disinterested" parties saying they have seen the vehicle in my possesion, with a complete description and dates
  • and EIGHT more random bullets or paperwork and money

So while i spend a year trying to get an actual title .. I decided to register my 78 Kz650 frame I DO have a title for. Then I took a piece of aluminun and a metal stamp set and made myself a nice little serial number badge. I am still comtemplating a pop-rivet to the fame or strong adhesve. My 75 z1900 just turned into a 78 KZ650 for the rest of the summer. ;) I know it ain't right ... but i need to ride it some and they drove me to it.

Thank you for letting me vent .. i feel better now. :blink:

Post edited by: brich, at: 2007/07/07 01:01
1975 Z1 900, 1075 wiesco kit, web cams, smooth bores, dyna ignition, denco pipe, lester mags, wicked bad rotors, custom gauge face plates .. not much stock left.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

07 Jul 2007 13:03
Use this company.
I have used and do recommend.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

07 Jul 2007 14:05
Egads, that's a lot of hoops to jump through! :ohmy:

See, if you had stayed here in Calif you could have already been LEGALLY riding it. :P
Sorry bud, just funnin' ya. ;)

Here in Calif all it would have taken is a simple hand-written bill of sale, and an appointment at a CHP office for them to run a VIN verification on it.
Then a small stop at a DMV office (or a AAA office if you have a membership there) to get a NEW title and tags for it, and you're riding (legally!) again! :)

I went this route with my ZN700 about 5 years ago.
No title or license plate, and only a hand-written bill of sale from someone who never even registered it in HIS name when HE had bought it.
Even though I had to wait a month for the VIN verification appointment, I got a brand NEW pink slip, license plate (it was missing) and new tags. Set me back a whopping $42 total. :whistle:
Covina, So Calif!
78 KZ650-B2 = SOLD
84 ZN700 LTD = SOLD
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89 GSX1100F Katana = SLEEPING :-/
20 VN1700 Vulcan Vaquero (the Blue Cowboy)
Looking for my next project KZ

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

07 Jul 2007 14:42
FloridaBiker wrote:
Use this company.
I have used and do recommend.

SA-WEET!!!!! Thanks thanks thanks! I didn't know there were companies like this out there. Awesome!

Quick question ... when they say provide them Bill of Sale, how official does that need to be? Like a company letter head type of invoice or hand written by the guy I actually bought it from?
1975 Z1 900, 1075 wiesco kit, web cams, smooth bores, dyna ignition, denco pipe, lester mags, wicked bad rotors, custom gauge face plates .. not much stock left.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

07 Jul 2007 14:45
RetroRiceRocketRider wrote:
Egads, that's a lot of hoops to jump through! :ohmy:

See, if you had stayed here in Calif you could have already been LEGALLY riding it. :P
Sorry bud, just funnin' ya. ;)

Here in Calif all it would have taken is a simple ...

D@mn i miss the sweet liberal easy-going-ness of Cali!! B)I got pulled over out there once and the cop didn't even ask for proof of insurance! I miss that state a lot! :(
1975 Z1 900, 1075 wiesco kit, web cams, smooth bores, dyna ignition, denco pipe, lester mags, wicked bad rotors, custom gauge face plates .. not much stock left.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

07 Jul 2007 22:01
[Sarcasm] I love the DMV [Sarcasm]
Green 76 Z900 A4

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

14 Jul 2007 18:25
I'm going through the same mess right now, only slightly more convoluted. I live in Philadelphia, so I have to get the bike titled "as" my fiance, who is a NJ resident. After she completes all the fun steps you listed, then she has to sell me the bike....
Let me know if you have any luck from a title company, I've already gotten 4 of the 6 title searches back (NJ is taking their time).


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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

14 Jul 2007 22:32
it's insane right?? Well the title company told me they can get me plates that are good for a year and a title ... then supposedely I can get that title swapped to an NJ title. They are sending me the paperwork in the mail.
I admit that when I called them the dude on the phone was kind of short with me and didn't leave me feeling 100% confident. I am sure I will give it a go anyway. Worst case scenario I get temporarily screwed for $125 and have to go get my money back.
How come you can't get the title in PA? IS it worse there? I was hoping PA would be easier cause if the title company didn't work out I was gonna do what your doing with a buddy of mine out there.
1975 Z1 900, 1075 wiesco kit, web cams, smooth bores, dyna ignition, denco pipe, lester mags, wicked bad rotors, custom gauge face plates .. not much stock left.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

14 Jul 2007 23:09
Wow, I did this several times in
Washington and it's been a breeze each time. Granted, a 3 year long breeze...well, more of a sporadic gust that is perhaps just a tad warm and leaves you not feeling sick but wondering if the breeze is pleasant or maybe just slightly uncomfortable but certainly not uncomfortable enough to bother getting up and finding A/C.

Anyway, here, we do "Ownership in doubt":

Go down with a vin number.

DMV will give you the name and address currently associated with the vin.

You send a certified letter to the name and address including a "release of interest" which you've conveniently filled out for the "legal owner".

If the person returns the release of interest to you, DMV will give you a title

If it is returned to you unopened (LEAVE IT UNOPENED!), DMV will open it for you and have you take the vehicle to State Patrol for a quick inspection and will then issue you an Ownership in Doubt registration good for three years. At the end of the three years, if the legal owner doesn't complain, you get your title.

And...oh yes...At any time, you're still free to sell it. ;)
Tess: 1977 KZ650-C1. VM24, 97.5/15/3rd. Dyna-S. Stock exhaust, coil mod performed, BR7EIX.

Angel: 1982 GPz550. Stock. DR8EIX.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

14 Jul 2007 23:14
brich wrote:
I got pulled over out there once and the cop didn't even ask for proof of insurance! I miss that state a lot! :(

We don't do insurance here, either. You're free to get it, and it's certainly encouraged but because it's a personal recreational vehicle you're not required and nobody will ask you save the person who t-bones you.

At one time, it was insurance or $5000 in the bank, if I recall....now nobody seems to care. My premium is practically non existant having several vehicles and a house on the same plan so I figure it doesn't hurt to just pay it but if in a tight spot, I could certainly pocket it.

Post edited by: Virii, at: 2007/07/15 02:15
Tess: 1977 KZ650-C1. VM24, 97.5/15/3rd. Dyna-S. Stock exhaust, coil mod performed, BR7EIX.

Angel: 1982 GPz550. Stock. DR8EIX.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

14 Jul 2007 23:24
Virii wrote:
And...oh yes...At any time, you're still free to sell it. ;)

LOL .. I got so much money and time into this thing I think I will bury it with me when I die .. with any luck I will have a title a week before that. :laugh:
1975 Z1 900, 1075 wiesco kit, web cams, smooth bores, dyna ignition, denco pipe, lester mags, wicked bad rotors, custom gauge face plates .. not much stock left.

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Re: NJ Title Insanity!!!

15 Jul 2007 00:38
brich wrote:
it's insane right?? Well the title company told me they can get me plates that are good for a year and a title ... then supposedely I can get that title swapped to an NJ title. They are sending me the paperwork in the mail.
I admit that when I called them the dude on the phone was kind of short with me and didn't leave me feeling 100% confident. I am sure I will give it a go anyway. Worst case scenario I get temporarily screwed for $125 and have to go get my money back.
How come you can't get the title in PA? IS it worse there? I was hoping PA would be easier cause if the title company didn't work out I was gonna do what your doing with a buddy of mine out there.

When I went to Trenton, they told me if I'm a PA resident, I have to petition the court in Philly to grant me the title. So next I went to City Hall, and then the law library. If I wrote the petitions up myself (they have to be in the right legal format), I would still have to pay $285 in court fees.... with no guarantee I would get the title. This option became plan B, as I'm not going to give Philly $285 to get the title for a bike I got for $200.
Also, I was looking in other forums and the link above for the title company had some info that put me off. Someone posted that you get a Maine license plate, and Maine registration (NOT TITLE). He then sends you a packet that says this will be enough to get a title in your state. I could be wrong, but I don't see how I can have a vehicle registered and plated in Maine, if I live in PA, and even if this is legit, how this will allow my DMV to issue a title.


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