The new wave scooters are killers

  • riverroad
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The new wave scooters are killers

27 Jul 2007 11:53
You know those new wave automatic scooters you see running around? Apparently they are being marketed as easy as pie to ride since you don't have to shift them. I've seen several with folks on them that obviously have no experience at all. The weave all over the road and act really unsure of themselves. One just bit it last night:

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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

27 Jul 2007 11:59
That link doesn't mention what she was riding other than a "motorcycle". You must have read a different story?

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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

27 Jul 2007 12:24
That's true, but just the day before, I saw a young woman riding one of those things very erraticaly and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe the girl in the accident was the same girl. There's been quite a few very similar accidents around here, all involving those cheapo scooters. Some of them are decked out like little Harleys, with black vinyl saddle bags and lots of chrome studs. Some kind of fashion craze or something.

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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

27 Jul 2007 13:52
Yeah a few years ago they were everywhere here in Chicago. The city cracked down and they have really been reduced. It was mostly kids riding around in traffic getting killed.

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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

28 Jul 2007 23:13
i was down in the fancy part of town and noticed a bunch of scooters buzzing by, they reminded me of the yellow ducks at the shooting range game waiting for my big kaw to pick em off.

i seen a bunch of toyota puris's too, i hate those hippie mobiles and the smug assholes who drive them.
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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

29 Jul 2007 02:44
themachine wrote:
i was down in the fancy part of town and noticed a bunch of scooters buzzing by, they reminded me of the yellow ducks at the shooting range game waiting for my big kaw to pick em off.

i seen a bunch of toyota puris's too, i hate those hippie mobiles and the smug assholes who drive them.

What are you saying? You don't like my car? You don't have Prius envy do you? :woohoo:

If it helps, my other car is an AWD model so it burns more gas...
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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

29 Jul 2007 06:07
Man, I feel real bad for her family! Do they have manditory bike riding courses out your way? No one should have to die for their sport. 29 years old... this is a real sad story.
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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

29 Jul 2007 15:20
Samwell wrote:
themachine wrote:
i was down in the fancy part of town and noticed a bunch of scooters buzzing by, they reminded me of the yellow ducks at the shooting range game waiting for my big kaw to pick em off.

i seen a bunch of toyota puris's too, i hate those hippie mobiles and the smug assholes who drive them.

What are you saying? You don't like my car? You don't have Prius envy do you? :woohoo:

If it helps, my other car is an AWD model so it burns more gas...

i think he said "Toyota Puris" Which is a totally different car than the "Prius". The "Puris" is marketed towards smug hippy A-holes. so you are both right. :silly:

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Re: The new wave scooters are killers

30 Jul 2007 04:53
A sad twist to this story is that a friend of mine teaches the local motorcycle safety course and he says her name was on his roster for his next class, which was Saturday, two days after she died.
Another irony is that during his class Saturday, another young lady in his class ran over him somehow. Broke his left arm and cracked his left femur. Now he's out for the rest of the season.
Oh, and I was incorrect in assuming that it was one of those new wave scooters. She was on a Ninja.

Post edited by: riverroad, at: 2007/07/30 07:55

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