Just the shoulder pads really- it is for my winter riding get up. I am going to wear shoulder pads over the rest of my gear- and I am a big dude. I have a 50" chest right now, and I need about a XXXL size set of shoulder pads to go over my gear.
I am going all road-warrior for the winter- and spraying the pads with reflective flouresenct paint to be more visiable, and adding horns to my helmet or some such to gain a bit more visibility as well
If you know anyone that has a huge set of shoulderpads laying around, and wants to get rid of them, please PM me!
I will be out on the street corner normally populated with curb critters with signs that say "will work for food" or "disabled, please help" or "Homeless veteran"- with my own sign "riding for charity"- part of my winter riding plan to raise money for access alaska- a non-profit that helps out the physically disabled with houseing and transportation.
1975 Z1 B 900- soon to be heavily modded
Pahoa, Hawaii is my new hom
I am working hard to save up the shipping money to get my shop opened here in Hawaii
I hate electrical stuff.
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