Know of any active duty military serving in Iraq or Afghanistan? My church (Western Heritage Cowboy Church) puts together cowboy style care packages for military stationed in these areas and is ALWAYS looking to add names to our list. If you know someone, send me their name and the address where a care package can be sent. The stuff is mostly toilet articles, venison jerky and small personal items that would be of use. Of course, my business, wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors supports our soldiers, Marines, sailors and airmen posted overseas to hostile areas by offering carb rebuild service discounts, depending on duty station. If you know someone stationed in a hostile area, have them contact me if they need carb help. We can get it done before they get home!
wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors
Mico TX
Too many bikes to list!
Last edit: 04 Mar 2009 08:54 by kzrider. Reason: Advertising posts belong the Vendor forum, regardless of the posts "angle"
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