Hadit... then I lost it....

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Hadit... then I lost it....

10 Oct 2005 14:14

I had it this morning when I went out to start up the new bike... now I've got none. Checked the compression and it's good, and pulled the plugs and tried to get an arc to see spark... nada.

On top of that I also just noticed while disassembling the front end to put the different bars on that the brake line is indeed cracked and leaking fluid, and the upper triple tree is ALSO cracked. :( NO GOOD!

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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

10 Oct 2005 17:24
What kinda bike are we talkin' about here?
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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

10 Oct 2005 18:22
1977 Kawi KZ400 Twin.

I'm gonna check the cables tomorrow. I didn't get too far into it today on account of a radical migraine. You know.. the kind that make your head pulse at the same rate as your heart when you bend down to look at anything. :(

I think it might just be a loose wire somewhere.

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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

10 Oct 2005 21:14
Glad your head's better.

Seriously, consider using the entire 650 front end...
1980 KZ750-H1 (slightly altered)
1987 KZ1000-P6 "Ponch"
1979 GS1000 "Dadzuki"

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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

11 Oct 2005 08:37
No spark is troubleshooting 101!

First thing is to start closest to where the problem is and work backwards in checking things...

Check to see if coils are powered. Got a multimeter? Check power at coils when you turn on the key.

Check wire going to your coil from plugs/condensor... Is it connected?

Check wires from coils to plugs. Did they come loose?

Check points/condensor for proper function. Bad condensor means no spark for sure but this is least likely if you previously had spark.
wiredgeorge Motorcycle Carburetors
Mico TX
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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

11 Oct 2005 14:54
I just checked the wiring on this bike and I kinda puked a little. :(


There's pieces taped together and not protected... there's shielding that looks like it was lit on fire and melted together, there's lots and lots of.... mess. :(

Would anyone happen to have a wiring diagram thats super simplified? I want to delete as much as I can so I can just buy some colored wire and strip this thing down.

I guess this thing won't be on the road as soon as planned.

Oh yeah, the inside of the tank is disgusting too. :( Still worth it though.

Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2005/10/11 17:55

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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

11 Oct 2005 16:49
Sounds like you have your work cut out. Get a Clymer manual if you haven't already and use the wiring diagram in the back. It will have the color coding keys and should be fairly easy to understand if you give it a chance.

What I've always found with wiring is it's not that bad once you dig into it. Good luck.
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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

11 Oct 2005 18:16
Check the local bike shops. Bent Bikes in Auburn WA sells complete wiring harnesses for old bikes. The pull them off of wrecks. I just saw some when I was there yesterday.

Look them up on the web

They are pretty cheep and I think they will mail one out.
The specialize in used bikes.

Bought mine - 91 KZ550 from them.

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Re: Hadit... then I lost it....

12 Oct 2005 12:17
ljw wrote:
Check the local bike shops. Bent Bikes in Auburn WA sells complete wiring harnesses for old bikes. The pull them off of wrecks. I just saw some when I was there yesterday.

Look them up on the web

They are pretty cheep and I think they will mail one out.
The specialize in used bikes.

Bought mine - 91 KZ550 from them.

Try Bikesalvage.com first. Bob is in Renton and has BY FAR better customer service!

LJW: we will have to hook up soon as my back heals and hit Green Valley Road a couple times.:whistle:

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