1983 gpz 1100 no spark on one side coil

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1983 gpz 1100 no spark on one side coil

02 Aug 2020 01:14
Hi all , hope you are all good in these difficult times. I have a few kawasakis in my collection of survivors and often read the posts on this site as a visitor to get tech help, I have decided to sign up today and maybe add or contribute , and of course present the difficult questions I get to the community of experienced riders owners and techs.
This week we got a 1983 gpz 1100 ( kzr10be) which has stood for a while . The previous owner said it was running well about a year ago when he last rode it. The problem is there is no spark on 2and 3 . If we swop the black coil wire from 1&4 over to 2&3 and put green to other coil we get spark at 2&3 but nothing at 1&4 , if we swop pickups we get one set only sparks no spark on other set of cylinders. Seems no matter what combo permutation we try we can only get spark to one set i.e. the 1&4 or 2&3 at a time, the other set will get one initial spark then zero sparks thereafter, while the other set will spark away perfectly. Tried another (old not pretty) igniter / CDI box and it does same problem . Tested resistance on pickups and both good, have 12 volts at each coil . Black wire has 12 and green wire has 12. Opened kill switch cleaned same issue , put new (car high amp hrs battery , same , also has difficulty running on 2&3 or 1@4 , I suppose to be expected but will run with a bit of QuickStart but not on fuel. Carbs clean , any help please . Ps I read through posts in electrical but did not find same symptom .

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  • F64
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Re: 1983 gpz 1100 no spark on one side coil

02 Aug 2020 10:15 - 02 Aug 2020 10:21
Did the firing coil change when you swapped the pickups?
Louis Dudzik's GM HEI ignitor conversion installed 2015 s3.amazonaws.com/gpzweb/Ignition/GPZgmHEImod.html
Motogadget m-unit blue installed 2017.
Last edit: 02 Aug 2020 10:21 by F64.

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