Exposed wires

  • Gdailey2112
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Re: Exposed wires

30 Jun 2023 09:45
Coolio!!! But what gauge are the brown power wires, yl/bk grounds. etc?
Sorry  Cfoux85  certainly not trying to hijack your post. 
Wookie - Last question, when it's deemed that a wire should be replaced, what might I use that's considered good and hi quality wire? Please don't bash, I did not search 
As long as you use the right gauge wire for the circuit being repaired and use a "multi-strand" cable designed for automotive use (same gauge cables come with different thickness of insulation dependent on the voltage they have to carry) you should be fine
1982 KZ1100D1

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  • Wookie58
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Re: Exposed wires

30 Jun 2023 11:42 - 30 Jun 2023 12:09
To work out cable gauge you need to know what the maximum current will be in the circuit, you can then use the below calculator to add in length (you are looking for a calulated Volt drop of 0.2v or less) I have added the link for the calculator which is in my fault diagnosis guide and a conversion chart (euro to USA) As an example I have input for your main live and earth (should be the same gauge) based on the main fuse being rated at 20amps which is 10awg up to the ign switch then 14awg for the brown and red/yellow. You can use ohms law (also in the guide) to calculate for other circuits

Last edit: 30 Jun 2023 12:09 by Wookie58.

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