Custom See Thru clutch cover NOW WITH PICS! UPDATE 1-11-06

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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

12 Apr 2006 21:56
so the epoxy that your using, is that like JB weld or what? because you mentioned it being grey, and so is jb weld......also, could you repost the pics? i would be very interested in seing them, but there not showing up. Thanks!
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

13 Apr 2006 12:20
Hey the photos are gone, can you repost thme?
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 03:43
I think he left the site. Some people thought he was the greatest when he first posted this and other post, but time has a way of bringing out the truth. A few people got tired of his know it all attitude, telling them whats right and whats wrong, and acting like he knows everything,and some confronted him about these projects that never get finished. He hasnt posted anything since then.
If you look at the day he first posted this, you'll see that it has taken him over 4 months to get to the point that he is at and its still not finished and it doent look like it will be finished any time soon.
Heres one of his other projects that he started and never finished yet.If you search the site you will find a few others that he got started and were never finished.
Knee tucks in tank,com_joomlab...ew/id,13805/catid,6/

I watched this thread when it first started to see how it would look when finished. I hasnt been finished and doent look like it will be finished any time soon.
I like this quote and I think its appropriate:

Dont tell me what your going to do, show me what you've done.

Post edited by: The Fish, at: 2006/04/14 06:44
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 04:24
The Fish wrote:
I think he left the site. Some people thought he was the greatest when he first posted this and other post, but time has a way of bringing out the truth. A few people got tired of his know it all attitude, telling them whats right and whats wrong, and acting like he knows everything,and some confronted him about these projects that never get finished. He hasnt posted anything since then.

Awww, you mean we won't be enjoying flame wars between TWT and wireman anymore?:(
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 06:27
The Fish wrote:
I think he left the site. Some people thought he was the greatest when he first posted this and other post, but time has a way of bringing out the truth. A few people got tired of his know it all attitude, telling them whats right and whats wrong, and acting like he knows everything,and some confronted him about these projects that never get finished. He hasnt posted anything since then.
If you look at the day he first posted this, you'll see that it has taken him over 4 months to get to the point that he is at and its still not finished and it doent look like it will be finished any time soon.
Heres one of his other projects that he started and never finished yet.If you search the site you will find a few others that he got started and were never finished.
Knee tucks in tank,com_joomlab...ew/id,13805/catid,6/

I watched this thread when it first started to see how it would look when finished. I hasnt been finished and doent look like it will be finished any time soon.
I like this quote and I think its appropriate:

Dont tell me what your going to do, show me what you've done.
Fish<br><br>Post edited by: The Fish, at: 2006/04/14 06:44

Just as a point I have not left the site. I just don't post much cause I have tons of shit going on right now, and have better things to do with my time than post in here. Also, I've found another forum where the discussion is strictly about modification and home fabrication of parts which is a little more up my alley than KZR.

Oh, and Fish, you should educate yourself before you talk, cause it's seems that once again you simply don't know what the hell you are talking about.

The clutch cover and tank can be finished at any time. It's a matter of cutting some material and welding the tank.

Not that I have to explain this to you for any reason, but I will take the time to.

The KZ Cafe I am working on is getting the big bore engine I'm building for it. The engine was definitely not going to be done in time to ride this month or this spring for that matter, so I am riding my other KZ.

That way I don't have to rush on getting the rest of the bike together to ride it.

Now, tell me why a person like me should feel like I need to rush and get a tank and clutch cover done when there's no engine for the bike yet anyhow? First things first kiddo.

Frame/Chassis mods are the first step to building a custom bike because obviously if you don't have a chassis there's no point in having a bunch of other crap to put on it, right?

The frame is welded and the rear end is mounted. All I need is the proper bearings and the front end will be mounted.

The big bore engine is something I will get around to whenever I feel like it, and frankly I'm more into the idea of spending a few weeks riding since it's 80 and sunny here in Minneapolis now.

When the engine is built to the specifications I want it to I'll spend the couple hours it will take to cut and edge some polycarbonate for the cover and weld the tank.

Frankly guy, this is my project bike and the last thing I feel compelled to do is rush things so that a bunch of people who I don't really know, or care to know, on the internerd approve of the pace at which I work.

So next time you feel like talking about things you should maybe take the time to figure out whats really going on before sharing your "insight", okie?

Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2006/04/14 09:32
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 06:38
twowheeledterror wrote:
Frankly guy, this is my project bike and the last thing I feel compelled to do is rush things so that a bunch of people who I don't really know, or care to know, on the internerd approve of the pace at which I work.

Wow. Way to attack everyone on the site, rather than the one person you're upset at.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 06:50
Corith wrote:
twowheeledterror wrote:
Frankly guy, this is my project bike and the last thing I feel compelled to do is rush things so that a bunch of people who I don't really know, or care to know, on the internerd approve of the pace at which I work.

Wow. Way to attack everyone on the site, rather than the one person you're upset at.

Way to be a bit too sensitive.

I would think that it would be an obvious deduction given the context of my above post that I was implying that I don't care to know or gain the approval of the people on here who have had such a tissy fit about criticizing how fast or slow I work on my bike.... not that I was referring to everyone on this site.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 07:05
twowheeledterror wrote:
The Fish wrote:
Some people thought he was the greatest when he first posted this and other post, but time has a way of bringing out the truth.
Fish<br><br>Post edited by: The Fish, at: 2006/04/14 06:44

The engine was definitely not going to be done in time to ride this month or this spring <br><br>Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2006/04/14 09:32

WOW, now thats a surprize. Another unfinished project?

And Again: Dont tell me what your going to do, Show me what you've done.

I havent seen anything that you have finished.

Why dont you post a link to the other site that has all these mods that you are talking about.
Would it be ?
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 07:16
And, just to let you all know. I really like twowheeledterror. He gave me a fair deal on some really nice spoked tires for my project. And went to a lot of trouble to get them shipped to me and finding a box. He even kept his word on the price when shipping was higher than we originally thought.

Even if he doesn't finish everything he starts, so what? It's his motorcycle, whether it's in peices or not. And they are still good ideas whether they're finished or not.

I just didn't like the global attack.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 07:19
The Fish wrote:
twowheeledterror wrote:
The Fish wrote:
Some people thought he was the greatest when he first posted this and other post, but time has a way of bringing out the truth.
Fish<br><br>Post edited by: The Fish, at: 2006/04/14 06:44

The engine was definitely not going to be done in time to ride this month or this spring <br><br>Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2006/04/14 09:32

WOW, now thats a surprize. Another unfinished project?

And Again: Dont tell me what your going to do, Show me what you've done.

I havent seen anything that you have finished.

Why dont you post a link to the other site that has all these mods that you are talking about.
Would it be ?

No, see Fish, you seem to lack the intelligence to actually pick up the point I'm laying out here.

Every project, until it's fully completed, is unfinished. Edited by KZCSI (name calling)

The point is that I can finish them at any time, but in the current state of things there's no reason to hustle to get those two specific things done. Think about it you knob... why rush to finish the tank? There's no engine for it to hold gas for at the moment. Why rush to finish the clutch cover? Again, no engine. Those are both things that I got as far on as I needed to at the moment... which was far enough to see if they can be done... and they can. When the time comes that I'm a little closer to needing them finished I'll get around to it. Apparently you don't comprehend the concept of prioritization. Edited by KZCSI (overt insult)

Things that are done? Well... sub-frame, rearset adapters, gussets, mounting the swingarm, adapting the ZX7 shock and older ZX9 lower pivot to work together, tie rods, etc.... not to mention that the KZ650 I'm riding has a bunch of stuff done to it and it's on the road.

Here's the real matter at hand though... I frankly don't give two craps if you approve or not little guy. Edited by KZCSI (blatent insult)

Like I said, this is my bike and I work on things in the order and at a pace that I think is appropriate.

You want to whine and shit in your huggies about bikes not being built fast enough? Well then, get the parts and build one of your own. :thumbup:

Post edited by: KZCSI, at: 2006/04/15 08:34

Post edited by: KZCSI, at: 2006/04/15 08:37
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 07:20
Corith wrote:
And, just to let you all know. I really like twowheeledterror. He gave me a fair deal on some really nice spoked tires for my project. And went to a lot of trouble to get them shipped to me and finding a box. He even kept his word on the price when shipping was higher than we originally thought.

Even if he doesn't finish everything he starts, so what? It's his motorcycle, whether it's in peices or not. And they are still good ideas whether they're finished or not.

I just didn't like the global attack.

I apologize if you took it as a "global" attack. It wasn't, like I said. I was referring to the people who seem to care more about how fast I'm working on my own projects than worrying about their own stuff that they could be doing.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

14 Apr 2006 07:28
Final point is this... I am building my bike. Those of you sobbing about this stuff aren't building it for me...

If you would like to cry about what I do, when I do things, or the order in which I do things in regards to building MY bike PLEASE CLICK HERE

Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2006/04/14 10:30
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