Custom See Thru clutch cover NOW WITH PICS! UPDATE 1-11-06

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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

15 Apr 2006 15:09
77KZ650 wrote:
hey TWT, can you repost the pics from earlier in the thread?, the photo bucket link is broken or something, and I missed seeing them. thx

Yeah, I'll get them up later for ya. I gotta repost all the correct new links.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

15 Apr 2006 16:41
i have thought about messin with it too... i want to design some sort of setup for signals...
Naiveté in grownups is often charming, but when coupled with vanity, it is indistinguishable from stupidity.
Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool - than to speak up and remove all doubt.
Did ever think that maybe you've been doing it wrong all these years?
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 02:02
What was that web site with all the bike mods? I’m sure a lot of people here would love to see this site.

None of the mods were bolt on. This shows how much you really know. The carb spacing was not correct and needed to be altered to fit. Then a bell crank was made for the oil injection and it was converted to cable actuated.
The Dyna S is 2 units modified to fit 1 bike (It needs 3 pick ups) A backing plate was made for the 3 pick ups. And the rotor was modified to fit.
The brake mounting bracket was made on my milling machine. Then it bolted on.

What was that web site with all the bike mods?
I must have missed the post, because I just can’t see it. Kinda like your finished projects, I just don’t see it.

While I’m pissing everybody off:
Another thing I never saw was the aluminum swingarms that were to be made in Russia. Now there’s going to be a KZ show on TV. I don’t see any of these “projects” ever happening. Prove me wrong someone.
Some people post their ideas and then never follow through with them. They remain ideas until they are followed through with and finished.

What was that web site with all the bike mods?
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 05:55
The Fish wrote:
What was that web site with all the bike mods? I’m sure a lot of people here would love to see this site.

None of the mods were bolt on. This shows how much you really know. The carb spacing was not correct and needed to be altered to fit. Then a bell crank was made for the oil injection and it was converted to cable actuated.
The Dyna S is 2 units modified to fit 1 bike (It needs 3 pick ups) A backing plate was made for the 3 pick ups. And the rotor was modified to fit.
The brake mounting bracket was made on my milling machine. Then it bolted on.

What was that web site with all the bike mods?
I must have missed the post, because I just can’t see it. Kinda like your finished projects, I just don’t see it.

While I’m pissing everybody off:
Another thing I never saw was the aluminum swingarms that were to be made in Russia. Now there’s going to be a KZ show on TV. I don’t see any of these “projects” ever happening. Prove me wrong someone.
Some people post their ideas and then never follow through with them. They remain ideas until they are followed through with and finished.

What was that web site with all the bike mods?

Oh boy.... those are some serious serious mods there. My point still stands thoough, those are all very basic mods than anyone could do.... BASIC A.K.A. "BOLT ON". You should have been on TV instead of Jesse James with creativity and a drive to do something original such as yours. Not to mention your obviously wide skillset.

So why don't you leave if all these peoples ideas not happening on here pisses you off crybaby? I don't think there's probably a lot of people who would say "I miss Fish whining like a little girl about other peoples stuff."

Oh, and I won't be giving you the address of the other forum I frequent because no one would appreciate your bullshit there anymore than they appreciate your crying about other peoples projects here.

I think I speak for more than just myself when I say this little guy.... get over it, stop pissing and moaning about other peoples bikes and find something better to do with your time. Until then... here's a solution for you.

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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 06:30
Did the welds hold up ?
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 06:34
fonZee wrote:
Did the welds hold up ?

Just fine. Inspected by myself and a guy who has been a welder and council member for the twin cities division of the american welding society for some odd 25 years or something.... also held up to two people sitting on it and myself banging on the back of the subframe with a BFH.

Everyone kinda underestimates welding honestly. Without seeing a test done in person for tensile strength you can't really visualize how strong even a SHITTY weld is given that it's complete and not full of fissures, overlap or porosity. (The answer is: stronger than we'll ever need it to be on a motorcycle frame.)
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 06:42
good, nothing more fatal than a shitty weld.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 06:59
fonZee wrote:
good, nothing more fatal than a shitty weld.

Or a double post. ;)

(You do realize that there are 4 triple passes, and two doubles bracing that subframe, and every single one would have to give out at the same time for it to be fatal... if there's one thing I can say I am more than confident in it's my welding, thank you very much. You don't get a job doing VERY CRITICAL structural spray by not knowing how to weld...)
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 07:22
I'm sure that others on this board would love to know this "website" that you speak of.

If these mods that I have done are so BASIC, as you say, why dont you try them. or you can add them to the list of unfinished projects that you now have.

How basic is welding up 2 panels in a tank? It must be alot more than a bolt on or weld on as it is still not done. Along with the other unfinished projects.
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 08:53
KZCSI wrote:
You're over the line here son. Why is it that you cannot grasp a few basic rules of civility? I edited this post because of name calling and sexual orientation slurs that you aimed at Fish and the rest of the members here in general. If you need to resort to such tatics to make your point, an effort in which you're failing by the way, I say take it elsewhere.


Post edited by: KZCSI, at: 2006/04/16 12:06

I'm failing? HAHAHA

Yeah, cause a lot of people are flocking to this thread to back that moron up and tell me I need to hustle to finish my bike. Modertor or not KZCSI, I'll be the first to call you an idiot for that statement considering people have posted directly to him to say he's wrong and I can work on the bike whenever I feel like... because it's not his bike. Notice, Wireman even posted a list of projects that he is still not done with that he started YEARS ago.

The chances that I'm failing at pamking my point are about as good as the chances of you actually being able to make a valid point.

And don't call me son. I'd kill myself if that were the case.

Post edited by: twowheeledterror, at: 2006/04/16 20:25
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 08:58
Hey fish dude, shut the hell up.
1980 KZ750-H1 (slightly altered)
1987 KZ1000-P6 "Ponch"
1979 GS1000 "Dadzuki"
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Re: Custom See Thru clutch cover!

16 Apr 2006 11:13
guitargeek wrote:
Hey fish dude, shut the hell up.

Sir, you would do well to keep from adding to this.
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