You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 05:51
I'm not sure about the food production impact being a very imminent factor, there's a lot of waste in that area and many people are already hungry for no good reason. 

As far as the fuel topic...there's only so much oil to be found, and the leading response seems to be "making waste okay" instead of maximizing what we can get out of it. Part of why I ride is that my bikes are more fuel-efficient than most cars and I don't have to sit in traffic idling when there's a backup. I know there are some other emissions drawbacks to small engines, though. 

It just bothers me to see a single person driving around a huge late-model SUV like nothing is wrong. Yeah, they can afford it, but is that the right attitude? Feels like there was a misstep after the high fuel prices in the 2000s led to people downsizing. 

So, for most people who won't really notice a difference with E15, all they'll notice is that it takes a couple bucks less to fill their tank. Seems we're in the minority here, and I'm used to being that, so it's hard for me to get worked up about it. 
1982 KZ750 Spectre - 6 speed swap, BS34s, 18" rear wheel

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 06:19
A few years ago I worked for John Deere managing their dealer apprenticeships in the UK, part of their induction presentation at that time was to highlight the forecast growth in world population by 2050 and the immense strain that would impose on farming production and the required improvements in efficiency 

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 06:26 - 14 Apr 2022 09:27
There are no simple answers to complex problems.
Most folks don't have there own lives in order but they want to dictate others lives and actions.
I will worry about my V8 emissions, when the planes and cruise ships stop flying around for fun. 
The sun is gonna burn us up one day, no matter what. 
It seems the largest control sector is guided by fear mongering,of everything,and everyone, everywhere.
We are between ice ages ya know.Humans seem to have a 100-300 year grasp of time, while we are in a couple million year game or more on this planet. lots of us talk like we are specialist with huge insight (myself (woodworker) included).The very same people who can't control their own food intake, their debt and don't leave the house dressed in anything but pajamas go around yelling at others for the dumb shit they do. We all live in glass houses. lets all be cool, be hopeful, and be active in your own life.
Last edit: 14 Apr 2022 09:27 by Shankkole.
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 06:26
Ever since feed corn started getting traded on the commodity market, it's become ubiquitous. If you eat meat (including farm-raised fish) from a grocery store, you're living on feed corn. If you drink soda pop, the HFCS sweetener is mad from feed corn. The adhesives in modern plywood, MDF, and OSB are made from feed corn. So making fuel out of it is just the logical next step.
Aside from its dangers for older bikes, feed corn is turning American agriculutre into a monoculture, and that's a damned fragile (to say nothing of unhealthy) system—think potato famine. Any "greenies" who support the commodification of feed corn are deeply confused, as it does far more harm than good, and not just to internal combustion engines.
Is this thing working? Is this thing on?

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 06:49
There's too many people for the resources at hand. Here's a simple chart explaining why food is scarce, tempers are running hot and why so many dang cars on the road when you're trying to enjoy a ride.
"Swim against the current, even a dead fish can go with the flow"-somebody (I forget Who)
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 07:15
That is one scary trend line.
Is this thing working? Is this thing on?

1978 KZ1000 LTD

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 07:17
"Swim against the current, even a dead fish can go with the flow"-somebody (I forget Who)

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 07:30
In 2015 John Deere where presenting forecasts that it would double by 2050 

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 07:34
Wookie58, they must have been looking at the same chart. 
"Swim against the current, even a dead fish can go with the flow"-somebody (I forget Who)
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 07:47 - 15 Apr 2022 06:23
#865416 has been very accurate around my area for finding pure gas. Check first by calling. Have several around 40 miles away.

Will be filling my Mustang with it this summer and for putting it away.................and if I had the bike ready they would feed it too.

Edit...... darn just looked and its 91 oct at Phillip's 66. And I just put a 93 tune on the car so I gotta stay there. On the plus side one even closer sells 93 oct (19 miles away) but its unbranded so I'm not sure if that's gonna be considered a top tier brand or whatever they call it for the higher quality name brand gas.
1978 KZ650 b-2
700cc Wiseco kit 10 to 1.
1980 KZ750 cam, ape springs, stock clutch/ Barnett springs.
Vance and Hines Header w/ comp baffle and Ape pods, Dyna S and green coils, copper wires.
29MM smooth bores W/ 17.5 pilots, 0-6s and 117.5 main
16/42 gearing X ring chain and alum rear JT sprocket.
Last edit: 15 Apr 2022 06:23 by KZB2 650.

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

28 Apr 2022 13:37 - 28 Apr 2022 13:38
Epic topic....and I've really appreciated the toned down, honestly...really rational replies. I've never really understood why folks get so wound up about human-cased climate's sort of a: "We're all in this thing together" is it not?

The ethanol myth is exactly that: A myth. The carbon footprint to produce it is more than the dino drilling wells and refineries in the Gulf and up in Alaska. Same deal for soy bean production also being grown for E85. It's a total, and utter waste. It should STOP, like....tomorrow.

I'm 41...and have owned...ohhh, I dunno...12 vintage Japanese bikes so far. My favorite? Easy call: '74 Suzuki T500 with a vintage set of Denco chambers on it. was a close call with my ZRX1200R. That's not a lie. After 60 though....buh-bye. ZRX for the win. That T500 though, with its roughly 55hp and 500cc engine, got me a solid 19mpg. You read that correctly. Not to even mention the 2-stroke pollution. So I ripped it for two seasons and sold it.

I'm likely (hopefully) going to be around in the 2060's. The trend right now forecasts the possibility that the globe isn't gonna be a nice place to be by then. Any of you guys have grandkids under the age of 10? It's gonna be even worse for them. These are just facts. We're ALLLLLL going to have to give up stuff we don't want to give up...and here's the hard part: It won't change a thing for our lives, in all likelihood. The next 20yrs are going to be rough.

We're going to have to make choices that go COUNTER to our personal choices, preferences and lifestyles. It's the antithesis of American capitalism...which is primarily why it's going to be such a fight. But the signs of things to come are already here: The U.S. auto market is now 10% electric. Ford, GM, Chevy, Toyota, and Kia are ALL vastly invested in the electric game. Get ready to say bye-bye to the combustion, I'd say about 15 yrs, maybe 20. And, believe me: I LOVED my Harley and the sound. I love my Kz650 and the rippin' sound of high RPM's. But I'm going to give it up....and I'm going to embrace electric motorcycles. I won't like it....but I'l lean into it.

Gen Z won't have the choices that we have the luxury to make today. This is also a fact. They are going to be left holding the bag. I hope we can think about them...and the world they'll be trying to live in, raise families in, ride electric motorcycles in, and the 2060 and beyond. We'll be long gone, but the choices we made in the 2020's will linger.

Peace, everyone.
Last edit: 28 Apr 2022 13:38 by bqeberle.

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

28 Apr 2022 13:57
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