You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 14:50
I don't want to get into an argument here but we have to stop polluting, only the most uninformed believe we can continue dumping billions of tons of pollutants into the closed loop environment and not cause massive problems, The "green garbage" isn't the problem, its the companies trying to shove useless "fixes" at the market for pure profit, corn/ ethanol is a classic example, very powerful farm lobbies buy politicians and this is where we end up. Not only is ethanol more expensive it is less energy dense, meaning you use MORE to get the same amount of energy, or simply put, its far less efficient, so you use more fuel, useless for us but wonderfully profitable for the corporations..
Using food as a substitute fuel is the dumbest thing we could possibly do...
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 15:19
Great our fearless leader is now going to give us gasoline with even more ethanol mixed in. Where I live I have never seen a gas station that sells 100% pure gasoline. I gave up on running any foam of pump gas way back in 1980. Mostly due to the amount of compression I run in my motors. I have run VP Fuels VP110 for years now. Whats really nice about this type of fuel is I don't have to drain my bikes carburetors when I let the bike sit idle for many months on end. This fuel NEVER turns into the greenish goop in the float bowls like pump gas does!!!! It will completely evaporate leaving just a slight pink tint in the float bowl!!!!
My GSXR750 sat for three years and I never drained the carb bowls. I put fuel in the tank and the bike fired right up running on all four cylinders!!! Try doing that with any brand of pump gas!!!! VP makes a fuel designed just for vintage cars and bikes that were designed to run on leaded fuels. Its called VP Vintage Leaded. It has a shelf life of two to three years. Its like 100 bucks for a five gallon container. If you have a '70's 900 Z1 with a value of over 20 grand that you ride maybe a couple thousand miles a year. You would be a fool not to run this type of fuel. Since all this crap pump gas now sells for 4 to 6 bucks a gallon. 20 bucks a gallon for some great fuel ain't really that bad in my book!!!!

Good $hit!!!
We pay around $13 a gallon for pump gas in the uk and Europe (£1.90 per litre is around $2.60) 

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 17:18 - 13 Apr 2022 17:21
We pay around $13 a gallon for pump gas in the uk and Europe (£1.90 per litre is around $2.60)

Current exchange rate: £1.90 = $2.49. and using Imperial gallons, the price per gallon is $11.33. Expensive, but not $13, unless I've overlooked something, then my apologies. ps: your liter price works out to $9.43 per US gallon, so yes, still expensive.

Ethanol fuel is a bad idea. It's probably only good for the corn farmers. Good luck ending that program.
In the past week trump said President Biden could lower gasoline prices as if he had a magic wand. If the president could lower prices, don't you think he would? gee. The way the oil market system is set up, any disruption such as the russian invasion of Ukraine is going to cause gasoline prices to go up. And oil companies take advantage. If you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at the oil companies who make $$$ Billions each & every Qtr. and each & every year. Qtr after Qtr.  year after year. But our "fearless leader" is to blame. gee.
Last edit: 13 Apr 2022 17:21 by H1Vindicator.
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 19:32
Our government is going full bore on forcing electric vechiles down our throats. Low gas prices hinder that goal. The last thing the greenies want is low gas prices.
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 19:52
Our government is going full bore on forcing electric vechiles down our throats. Low gas prices hinder that goal. The last thing the greenies want is low gas prices.
It's obvious they want fishing boats in moth balls.

1982 KZ1100-A2

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 20:10
If you feel like a good laugh, research the biggest farce of all... biomass energy production. Energy from wood residue. LOL.
"Swim against the current, even a dead fish can go with the flow"-somebody (I forget Who)

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 20:40 - 13 Apr 2022 20:48
OK Folks,
If we are going to get into this discussion about gasoline let's be real about the politics which may or may not be part of the real issue. In order to do so we're gonna need to grow some thick skin. We all have opinions and I'm thinking that nothing terribly untoward has been posted here. Political discussions are to be avoided but I will not allow anyone to try to enforce any sort of orthodoxy by harassing another member.

Move along now ! If the personal messaging system continues to be misused, even if your tender sensibilities have been disturbed, I will put a stop to it.
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
1985 ZN1300
Last edit: 13 Apr 2022 20:48 by KZQ.
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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 20:54 - 13 Apr 2022 21:01
I was at a party last year. One of the guests had contributed  a dish of corn pudding. I don't generally prefer corn and when I was offered some corn pudding I deferred by saying "Out of solidarity with the Alternative Fuels Program, I don't eat corn."
The whole alternative fuels program is a joke, unfortunately it's on US.
1968 BSA 441 Shooting Star, 1970 BSA 650 Lightning, 1974 W3, 1976 KZ900, 1979 KZ750 Twin, 1979 KZ750 Twin Trike, 1981 KZ1300, 1982 KZ1100 Spectre, 2000 Valkyrie, 2009 Yamaha Roadliner S. 1983 GL 1100
1985 ZN1300
Last edit: 13 Apr 2022 21:01 by KZQ.

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

13 Apr 2022 22:38
I knew it was a stupid idea in the 70's and I was just a kid then. I didn't know just how right I was. 

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 00:31
Our government is going full bore on forcing electric vechiles down our throats. Low gas prices hinder that goal. The last thing the greenies want is low gas prices.

If you think your government controls oil prices you are sadly mistaken, and if that was the case, what has that got to do with "greenies" .I detest labels, tribalism is part of the problem.    Anyway, why is everyone so scared of new technology ?  
Actually I'm as sceptical about change as anyone but here's something for everyone to think about. The circumference of the Earth is a touch under 25000 miles, only about 5 and a half miles of the atmosphere above that is breathable, ever been on a plane and looked down ?, whilst its high, its really not that far. I look out across the bay to Stradbroke Island , its about 17 miles away, I can see it clear as a bell, that's over 3 times the distance of our breathable atmosphere, Planes cruise at about the same height, 30,000 feet, into that we pour billions of tons of pollution every year, the whole population of the planet now have plastic particles in their bodies, we ALL breath poison of some sort every day. Scientists, and even some Industrialists questioned, at the start of the industrial revolution, the damage to the environment from the pollution being created, that's well over 200 years ago, this isn't something new.  Regardless of how far some people wish to bury their heads in the sand, change will happen. I'm the FURTHEREST thing from a greenie, I'm a long haired, tattooed, pierced 58 year old biker / rock musician, I keep to myself and do my own thing,  but I'm not naive enough to believe we can just keep filling a confined space with garbage and not suffer the consequences at some point. The horse and cart folk laughed at the new fangled automobile, and threw around lots of wild claims predicting its failure, the smart people got on board. The reason we are still here after 100's of thousands of years is due to our ability to adapt, the only hindrance to that are Greed{ that includes politicians}, money and ignorance..

A wise man once said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"     

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 03:20
Our government is going full bore on forcing electric vechiles down our throats. Low gas prices hinder that goal. The last thing the greenies want is low gas prices.

 I'm the FURTHEREST thing from a greenie, I'm a long haired, tattooed, pierced 58 year old biker / rock musician   

750 I'm stunned, I had you down for a 40 year old mortgage broker with a taste for Opera and "male grooming products" 
PS: If I've misjudged your sense of humour I apologise unreservedly, I'm not trying to offend, just lighten the mood 
PPS: if anyone is a mortgage broker there is nothing wrong with that either, we all need you 

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Re: You Want Cheaper Gas, You're Getting It.

14 Apr 2022 04:46
The problem with ethanol production for vehicle transport is that it takes land out of food production and it isn't really a zero emission fuel.  There are places around the world where it makes sense.  Brazil runs their transportation system almost entirely on ethanol, but they make it from sugar cane at a considerably lower cost with that feedstock than with corn.

There are benefits to ethanol.  It provides a replacement for octane additives and runs cleaner overall.  There are also detriments, particularly for old motorcycle engines.  It burns hotter, provides less energy and is hard on fuel systems not designed to run ethanol.  It also removes land from food production, which may become an important factor in the future as the world's popularion rises.
I have several restored bikes along with a 2006 Goldwing with a sidecar. My wife has a 2019 Suzuki DR 650 for on and off road.

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